In the sales world, there’s a lot of jargon that can cause confusion. Among this list of terms are the labels sales teams put on potential clients—prospect, lead, and opportunity. It seems like these definitions would be straightforward, but they’re hidden behind clouds of doubt. What is a Sales Lead? A lead is basically a
We’ve all received an email we immediately deleted, marked as spam, or ignored altogether. If this is happening to your emails, you need to determine why. Maybe you aren’t effectively grabbing your audience’s attention. Or perhaps your subject lines don’t reach out and say “Open me!” Or your calls to action don’t scream “Click me!”As
You’ve gotten everything ready to go—you know how to get in the door, you’ve put together a perfect pitch, and you know how to close. The only thing left? Actually finding the prospect list to pitch to.
Marketing comes in all different forms in today’s digital world. We’ve grown so accustomed to advertisements as a society that we immediately shrug off anything that doesn’t directly apply to our personalities or lifestyles. B2B cold email is a commonly misinterpreted method for acquiring new customers. In fact, when done poorly, it is commonly mistaken as
No matter how many deals your team closes now, you can always improve your sales qualifying questions to target the right customers and convert a higher percentage of prospects. Read the tips below to optimize your sales qualifying questions.
Lead management doesn’t have to be frustrating. If it is, take it as a sign that something has to change. Marketing could succeed in generating as many leads as you’d like but unless you handle them with care, you could just as easily lose half of them from an inefficient handoff before any of them
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