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The Ultimate Sales Statistics You Should Know in 2022

The Ultimate Sales Statistics You Should Know in 2021

With more customers going digital, gone are the days of aggressive sales pitches and conventional selling strategies. The sales industry is now changing in the age of the customer. Having an in-depth understanding of your target market can help you reign supreme in the modern business landscape. That’s why companies must slowly embrace comprehensive sales strategies, including AI, sales software, and sales analytics, to stay on top of the competition.

Moreover, it’s best to stay updated on the latest sales statistics to know where the industry’s headed. So, if you’re looking for more efficient ways to sell or motivate your sales team to improve their goals and outcomes – use these robust sales statistics as your guiding posts!

1. Sales Technology Statistics

More and more companies are starting to realize how using sales software solutions and understanding sales data can improve their bottom lines.

The sales stats below are the cream of the crop—the best and most popular skimmed from our entire article.

2. Sales Prospecting Statistics

There’s gold in them thar hills! Find out where before you dig. Nobody loves sales prospecting, but you can’t sell without it.

How many calls does it take to reach a buyer? How many new opportunities a month will keep you solvent? The prospecting sales statistics below can help you home in on the motherlode.

3. Sales Strategies Statistics

Want to succeed in sales? Listen to customers, learn their needs, and find a way to fix their problems.

The sales strategies statistics below suggest genuine interest in your buyers’ challenges is a sure path to revenue growth.

Sales Data Usage

Leveraging analytics and actively accumulating records out of your prospects, you may offer them a higher income enjoy so as to stable greater conversions withinside the future.

Cold Calling

Cold calling is hard. The sales statistics for cold calling below show it takes 209 cold calls to generate a single appointment. The majority of all cold calls don’t go through in the first place.

The takeaway from these cold-calling outbound sales statistics? The average sales rep using cold calling can make one appointment per day.


Social Selling

Headed for the social selling launchpad? You’re not alone. Social selling is fast becoming the most popular sales channel.

What is social selling? It’s when sales pros interact directly with prospects through social media.


What’s more important in the sales world than referrals? They’re the most powerful form of advertising. Most buyers depend on them.

Did you know 84% of buyers start with a referral? And 92% of customers trust them? Find these and other referral sales statistics here.

4. Sales Closing Statistics

But what’s a closer? By the sales statistics below, it’s an outside sales rep who closes 40%+ of the time, or an inside sales rep who does half that.

Want to see how you measure up? Take a stroll through the sales stats below.

5. Sales Tools & CRM

Most sales reps and managers agree they spend too much time on housekeeping. CRMs slash admin time to a fraction of its former self.


In a lot of ways, B2B sales have changed dramatically in recent years.

Sales technology has become commonplace. Buyers have become more demanding, and expect bespoke sales messaging personalized to their needs.

But in other ways, it’s the same as it ever was. The best sales teams are still those that: 

If these help you, they’ll likely help someone else! Feel free to pass these along to a sales team member who may need a little pick-me-up, or mention us on Twitter or Instagram with your favorite sales statistic.

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