Trying something new can either be fun and exciting, or it can be unfamiliar and frightening. How you perceive new experiences, people, and products, all depends on how it has been presented to you.
If your company is launching a completely new product, the sales team must learn how to sell that product to a new buyer who doesn’t know anything about it yet. You could be an early-stage startup launching your minimum viable product or an established business launching something new.
Long before you start selling your new product, you have to educate yourself and your sales team about the future new market. Start by reading the best content available on the subject, attend industry conferences, and learn as much as possible about the market you’re hoping to break into. Then, once you understand the basics and you’ve learned the jargon, you can start to dig deeper and learn about the real issues and underlying motivations of your new target customers.
You can’t just jump into a new market and start selling instantly. Sales leaders don’t always want to rely on marketing, however, approaching a new market needs….marketing. Sales and marketing alignment is especially important when trying to sell a brand new product. Your marketing strategy should be specifically focused on educating the market about your product and why buyers need it. Sales reps will then be sold to prospects based on the promises made by your marketing team, so make sure your marketing is aligned with product capabilities and initial sales talk tracks.
Once it’s finally time for your sales team to pick up the phone and start selling the new product, remember that you’re all starting from scratch. Instruct your reps to start off with the basics — listen more than they speak, ask lots of questions, and learn as much as possible about prospects on calls. DON’T have reps talk about product features, but instead tell them to listen to the struggles of the prospects and relate to their needs. Reps don’t have a solid talk track to rely on yet, so they must be flexible and adapt as needed to buyers.
The first customer is truly the hardest one to win, the second customer gets a little easier, and the third is even easier. However, not every deal is a good deal — so don’t get desperate. Once you sell to that first customer, try to sell to a second customer in the same niche as the first. For example, if you sell to a SaaS company in Paris, keep selling to that market. You should start to build a reputation within that small market, and stay 100% focused on pleasing those specific customers.
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